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Foss Farm

Established in 2011, Foss Farm is a private, family owned farm located in sunny Atascadero. They can be reached on various social media platforms including instagram (@fossfarm1) and facebook (fossfarm). Foss farm specializes in horseback riding lessons for kids 2-12 years old. The owner, Jenn, says ponies and horses may appear intimidating to young children; however, through her program, they will develop a sense of trust and pride. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, no horseback riding lessons are available at this time. Since her horseback riding lessons used to be responsible for 90% of the farm’s income, she says that’s where they’ve been hit hardest.

Nevertheless, she’s finding ways to keep the farm and animals alive, such as expanding her garden. Furthermore, she is doing all she can to support the essential workers who are working long hours by opening her farm stand “24/7 for any workers needing to pick up eggs and seasonal veggies. [She adds,] I am also taking orders for masks and masks are available at the farm stand for purchase.” Masks are $5 each.

In addition to masks, Foss Farm sells a variety of produce including quail meat and eggs, heirloom vegetables, seeds, and seeding starts. Since many of you may not be familiar with quail eggs, the owner tells me her daughter’s favorite way to consume quail eggs is to have them hard boiled. The farmstand takes orders, which you can pick-up at the farm, 3300 Traffic Way, Atascadero. To order, call or text (805) 550-7517. In addition to ordering by phone, you can also visit their farmstand, which is open 24/7. They restock twice a day. They use the honor system so you may take whatever they have and pay by Venmo, Facebook, or simply drop cash into the cash box.

As can be seen, with 90% of the farm’s revenue lost to COVID-19, it is difficult for small farms like Foss Farm to get by during this difficult time. Yet they are still trying to help front line workers like healthcare professionals and grocery store clerks. Support local farms and their efforts because by shopping at Foss Farm, you are helping local farmers and essential workers. We will all get through these unprecedented times together.

Stay hopeful,

Emily & Talia


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About Us:

Welcome! We are so glad you are here. This site was inspired by our desire to help local farmers and business owners on the Central Coast get through this difficult time. We began this project in April 2020 when we were freshmen at San Luis Obispo High School, enrolled in an agriculture biology class, which requires a project related to agriculture every trimester. We have continued this project throughout our time in high school.


We hope our time aids in shining a light on local farmers and business owners on the Central Coast while significantly decreasing the amount of wasted food. 

Additioanlly, we'd like to thank our agriculture teachers Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Evans for their continued support.

Talia & Emily 

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