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Welcome! We are so glad you are here. This site was inspired by our desire to help local farmers and business owners on the central coast get through this difficult time. Amidst the  COVID-19 pandemic, we hope our time aids in shining a light on local farmers and business owners on the central coast.  


We are happy to announce we are collaborating with They were founded in 2020 by Cal Poly Agriculture Business Students whose mission was to connect local farmers in the community to build a more sustainable, healthy, and efficient agricultural economy. Their website serves as a platform where the community can buy products from various local farms in one place: on their website! We will be sharing stories of different Central Coast farms on their website. Feel free to check it out!

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Want to be Featured?

If you know of a farmer, or own a farm on the Central Coast and would like to be featured on this website, please leave a message below and we will be in touch as soon as possible. 

Thanks for submitting!

About Us:

Welcome! We are so glad you are here. This site was inspired by our desire to help local farmers and business owners on the Central Coast get through this difficult time. We began this project in April 2020 when we were freshmen at San Luis Obispo High School, enrolled in an agriculture biology class, which requires a project related to agriculture every trimester. We have continued this project throughout our time in high school.


We hope our time aids in shining a light on local farmers and business owners on the Central Coast while significantly decreasing the amount of wasted food. 


Additioanlly, we'd like to thank our agriculture teachers Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Evans for their continued support.


Talia & Emily 

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© 2020 - 2021 by Eating Local on the Central Coast. Proudly created with

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