Mallard Lake Ranch, located in Nipomo, has been around as a kiwifruit vineyard since 1978. Today, it is owned by DJ Bob Criswell and the farm produces 65,000 pounds of kiwifruit! They can be seen at various Farmers Markets including the Saturday morning Farmers Market in San Luis Obispo, as well as Farmers Markets in Arroyo Grande and Santa Barbara from November through March, during kiwi season. In addition to kiwifruit, they also sell a variety of other produce such as Zutano avocados, satsuma tangerines, and chayote squash. Kiwifruit and tangerines are sold between $1.50 - $3 per pound. The avocados are $1 each, or, $5 for 6. What a great deal!
Although chayote squash is not commonly found in American cuisine, it is very popular elsewhere in the world. In Asian cuisine, chayote squash is typically stir fried, while in Mexican cuisine, chayote squash is commonly found in soups. The owner also shared that down South, people like to stuff the chayote squash and use it like a baked potato. First, bake the chayote squash, then remove the inside and replace it with cheese, shrimp, or other toppings of your choosing.
Luckily, kiwi season is over, so the farm has not been too affected by the coronavirus. The owner says the beginning of the pandemic was a crazy time because their “school contacts were messed up.” Normally, much of their fruit would be sold to Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, and Lompoc school districts, just to name a few. However, due to the pandemic, the need for produce at schools has decreased. In addition, they are no longer attending Farmers Markets, but hope to be back in November. As of right now, the farm is delivering to homes. The only change in business operation is the employees are wearing masks. The owner also added that regardless of COVID-19, it is always a good idea to wash your fruits and vegetables before consuming it. If you prefer curbside pick-up, you may do so by appointment. You can contact Mallard Lake Farm by phone at (805) 705-7992 or by email at
In addition to curbside pick-up, deliveries, and selling to schools, Mallard Lake Ranch’s items can also be found at your local grocery store, such as Spencer’s Fresh Market. Moreover, Talley Farms, Rutiz Family Farms, and SLO Veg’s CSA boxes also contain their produce. Did you know kiwis are the most nutrient dense fruit? Experts say a large kiwi contains twice the amount of vitamin C of an orange! The CDC says consuming a lot of vitamin C is very healthy, especially in strengthening the immune system. During times like these, what would be a better way to consume vitamin C than eating fresh fruit? Since kiwis contain so much vitamin C, go buy some and support Mallard Lake Farm and your immune system.
Stay healthy,
Emily & Talia