Back when life was routine and normal, Windrose Farm could be seen at the Wednesday Farmers Market in Santa Monica. However, due to COVID-19, they are no longer a vendor there. In addition, the owner tells me they have lost roughly 75% of all sales because those sales used to come from restaurants and brokers. In fact, the impact has been so huge that they have had to start a whole new sales system that does not necessarily fit what they had been doing for years.
Instead, they are starting a box purchase system, known as CSA boxes, mainly targeted to customers in LA, as they have three drop sites down there, but they are expanding their deliveries to the Central Coast. They currently make one trip to LA a week, and they sell apples and tomatoes. On the Central Coast, they have a stand outside ETTO in Tin City / Templeton 1-2 days a week. In addition, they can drop at Wayward Baking in Los Osos on Sunday. The boxes consist of fresh greens. For more information on delivery options, the best way to contact them is by email at
At this time, Windrose Farm is selling mixed greens that are $2-3 per bunch. Or, you can buy them by the pound for $9-16, depending on the picking time. At other times, they also have alliums, such as onions and leeks. The owner shared that they just ordered garlic and plan to plant a big field of garlic for next year. Prices for alliums depend on size and quality. Lastly, they sell fruit seasonally, including tomatoes, apples, plums, and peaches. Currently, they are working on harvesting apples and plums. All fruit is $4 per pound. The owner says all of their produce is simple, clean and quick to prepare. They like to make a lot of stews, soups, and salads with their produce.
Everyone has had to adapt to this every changing world, especially after COVID-19. For example, at Windrose Farm, they are planting a small garden this year, rather than big fields. In addition, while Windrose Farm is adapting to a new way of getting their produce to their customers, you can adapt and experiment in fun ways through cooking up new recipes! Pull out a cookbook, grab some of Windrose Farm’s produce and begin. Try preparing a new salad, or try making a stew you’ve never made before. We can’t wait to see what you make! Post your creations on our Facebook page!
Emily & Talia