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Heart of Paso Produce

Heart of Paso Produce’s story begins in 2010 when two firefighters grew more food than they needed on their two acre farm. They gave away their excess food to friends, who suggested they sell their produce. From then until now, they are known as firefighters who became farmers. They used to attend Farmer’s Market, but they stopped participating because it was a daunting task having to set-up, clean-up, load and unload 200-300 pounds of produce 2-3 times a week.

Now, they are selling honey, garlic, shallots, free range organic eggs, and nursery starts (plant starts). The garlic is $1.25 for a head while the nursery starts are $5 for a half gallon pot. The nursery start options include a variety of heirloom tomatoes, such as Pruden's Purple and Paul Robeson as well as both sweet and hot peppers. The owner tells me that as a result of COVID-19, many people are looking for locally grown products; therefore, the pandemic has actually helped them. She says this year, many people are starting home gardens, so nursery starts have been a popular item. In addition, many people are trying to avoid big box stores in order to limit person to person contact (thank you for complying with the shelter at home order). Moreover, her heirloom starts cannot be found at stores such as Home Depot or Lowe’s. Try a new type of heirloom tomato you’ve never seen before and even grow your own by purchasing them at Heart of Paso Produce.

Another popular item that is flying off the farm is their free range organic eggs that are $5 a dozen. Her 30 hens that produce medium plus eggs are given omri approved organic feed, free of antibiotics. The owner says everyone wanted eggs after COVID-19, in fact, she had to scale back to one dozen eggs per customer because there weren’t enough eggs. Additionally, she created an Excel document on Google Drive so people would know when they’re eggs would be delivered to them. Luckily, now, customers are allowed to purchase 2 dozen eggs upon request. She added that if the coronavirus pandemic hadn’t happened, she would never have needed to use technology to keep track of her orders. Furthermore, it has forced her to communicate more often and stay extremely organized due to the demand.

You may purchase eggs on the farm’s website,, but the best method would be by phone or text at (805) 440-8827. You may pick up your items at the farm, 5580 Farousse Way, Paso Robles, or, meet the farmer at a central location (ie. city park, Lowe’s), all by appointment only. You can also find them on Instagram or Facebook at heartofpasoproduce.

Heart of Paso Produce is truly a special place. The owner said her favorite part of being a farmer is seeing the start to finish of growing produce. From just a seed, she could see the potential in the produce she grows, even when no one else could. She says when it turns out perfect, it makes her proud of the time and energy they put into growing it. It is a truly rewarding experience, she added. Start a garden at home and grow your own produce from a nursery start from Heart of Paso Produce.

Thank you,

Emily & Talia


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About Us:

Welcome! We are so glad you are here. This site was inspired by our desire to help local farmers and business owners on the Central Coast get through this difficult time. We began this project in April 2020 when we were freshmen at San Luis Obispo High School, enrolled in an agriculture biology class, which requires a project related to agriculture every trimester. We have continued this project throughout our time in high school.


We hope our time aids in shining a light on local farmers and business owners on the Central Coast while significantly decreasing the amount of wasted food. 

Additioanlly, we'd like to thank our agriculture teachers Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Evans for their continued support.

Talia & Emily 

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